The paradigm of DNA as a genetic program has reached its limits and a new p
aradigm is emerging, where DNA can be looked lather as data processed by th
e cellular machinery network, working itself as a parallel distributed prog
ram with properties of self-organisation and learning. As usual in the hist
ory of science, experimental evidence for the new paradigm is coming from r
ecent discoveries which,were made possible only by the techniques developed
within the framework of the ancient paradigm. comparative analysis of geno
mes, prion and prion-like phenomena, epigenetic inheritance, " reprogrammin
g " of differenciated genomes by nuclear transfer: The new paradigm may be
characterized as follows : i) proteins are coming buck as carriers of biolo
gical information not reducible to DNA structure; ii) the picture of a unid
irectional flow of information from genes to proteins and functions is repl
aced by a more balanced but more complex picture of interactions between ge
netic and epigenetic determinations, modulated by the geometrical, biochemi
cal and ionic micro-environments of the cellular structure; iii) this pictu
re is more adequately described by the formalism of complex dynamic systems
than by the usual metaphor of a computer program. The role of ion transpor
t in signal transduction is a particular instance of such a centriperal flo
w of information. New, data on the effects of the Na+K+Cl-cotransport on th
e cellular metabolism regulation are reported. In addition to its role in c
ell volume re regulation, this transporter is part of a second messenger sy
stem activated in cell division. Moreover, overexpression of its gene induc
es a typical proliferative transformation of the cells, accompanied with an
overactivation of a MAPkinase-dependent pathway. This results indicates th
at a gene coding for a transmembrane ion transporter may exhibit oncogenic
properties. Immunotherapy for autoimmune diseases is another field[ where n
etwork analysis is being applied, with planned clinical trials in progress.