Because of its rapidly increasing incidence and of severe complications len
ding to high morbidity and mortality rates, obesity has become a major publ
ic health concern . Abdominal obesity, which is characterized by the predom
inance of fat around the viscera within the peritoneal cavity, demonstrates
a higher prevalence of metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Patient
s with abdominal obesity show clinical features that are compatible with hy
percortisolism. However no typical hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituit
ary-adrenal axis has been demonstrated in obese patients. This may be cause
d by the lack of sensitivity of current investigations Hypersensitivity of
the adrenal cortex to ACTH action may be involved In order to assess this h
ypothesis we have developed an intravenous intravenous ACTH 1-24 acute chal
lenge using a physiological dose of I mu g and evaluated the cortisol respo
nse in normal-weight subjects and inobese women, which,were in their period
of genital activity. After iv administration of this dose, the increase of
ACTH 1-24plasma concentration was short-lived and similar to that of endog
enous ACTH 1-39 during a regular morning pulse, suggesting that such a chal
lenge may be appropriate to evaluate adrenal sensitivity. We Sound that the
cortisol response is significantly higher in abdominal than in femoral obe
sity or than in normal-weight subjects.