The fish populations of Lake 223, a lake previously acidified to pH 5.1, we
re monitored during 13 years of gradual pH recovery to preacidification pH
6.7. During acidification, recruitment ceased for all fish species in this
lake and two were extirpated. During pH recovery, successful recruitment re
sumed for all fish species that remained in the lake. One of the extirpated
species, fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), successfully colonized the
lake. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) abundance decreased during acidific
ation and remained low during pH recovery due to very low recruitment. Grow
th curves, condition factor, and annual survival of lake trout decreased du
ring acidification and quickly increased to preacidification values during
pH recovery. During the early years of pH recovery, white sucker (Catostomu
s commersoni) abundance increased to almost 10 times the number at the star
t of the experiment but decreased during the final years due to decreased a
nnual survival and recruitment. Pearl dace (Margariscus margarita) became a
bundant during acidification and their abundance decreased during pH recove
ry as fathead minnow abundance increased. Other fish species that were caug
ht infrequently prior to acidification, brook stickleback (Culaea inconstan
s), lake chub (Couesius plumbeus), and finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus),
were caught frequently during pH recovery.