The patient, a 50-year old female had been suffering from right-sided head-
and neck pain since she was 31 years of age. It started in connection with
an indirect neck trauma. Analgesics were of little or no avail and operati
ve procedures, including liberation of the greater occipital nerve (GON) (n
=2) and decompression of the C2 ganglion/root, had only a transitory effect
. At 42, a magnetic resonance scan of the cervical spine demonstrated a deg
enerated disk C5-C6, with encroachment on the foramina and the cord. At 42
years of age, a stabilization operation at C5-C6 (Robinson-Smith) alleviate
d her discomfort-only some motor complaints in the ipsilateral upper extrem
ity remaining and only in the first 12-18 months.