The surface structure of modified silica powder has been studied by various
experiments and simulations. In addition, the effect of surface structure
on wettability has also been investigated. Nonporous silica powder was modi
fied with n-and t-butyl alcohol. Two series of the modified silica surfaces
were characterized by fractal dimension analysis from isotherms with some
kinds of adsorptives. The fractal dimensions of the two series of modified
surfaces were different from each other with an increase in modified ratio.
The fractal dimension of the surface modified with t-butyl alcohol (t-modi
fied surface) increased monotonously with butoxy group density. It is thoug
ht that the structure of the t-butoxy group is rigid and that the t-butoxy
group cannot change its conformation. On the other hand, the variation of t
he surface fractal dimension value for the surface modified with n-butyl al
cohol (n-modified surface), whose structure is flexible, was unique compare
d with the t-modified surface. Such discrepancy was assumed to be caused by
the difference in the structure of the modifier and the assembled state of
modifiers between the t- and n-modified surfaces. In order to investigate
the variation of surface structure of the surface modified by the butoxy gr
oup with an increase in modified ratio, molecular dynamics simulations were
performed. By comparing the results of these simulations with experimental
results, it has been clarified that the variation in the mobility of the m
ethyl group in the n-butoxy groups was closely related to the change in the
surface fractal dimension value for the n-modified surface. It was then el
ucidated that this mobility change was caused by steric hindrance among the
groups. Furthermore, the variation of conformation in the n-butoxy groups,
which was obtained from molecular dynamics simulations, was in good agreem
ent with the change in the wettability of the n-modified surface. It is sug
gested that the surface density of the modifier, the covering structure and
the bulkiness significantly influence the wettability of the modified surf