We propose a knowledge-based crossover mechanism for genetic algorithm
s that exploits the structure of the solution rather than its coding.
More generally, we suggest broad guidelines for constructing the knowl
edge-based crossover mechanisms. This technique uses an optimized cros
sover mechanism, in which the one of the two children is constructed i
n such a way as to have the best objective function value from the fea
sible set of children, while the other is constructed so as to maintai
n the diversity of the search space. We implement our approach on a cl
assical combinatorial problem, called the independent set problem, The
resulting genetic algorithm dominates all other genetic algorithms fo
r the problem and yields one of the best heuristics for the independen
t set problem in terms of robustness and time performance. The primary
purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the power of knowledge based
mechanisms in genetic algorithms.