We develop a new eight-node brick element, PN340, whose interpolation funct
ions exactly satisfy the Navier equation. We begin with the Papcovitch-Neub
er solutions in polynomial form, to the Navier equation and consider all th
e terms necessary to represent cubic displacement fields. We derive constra
ints on the unknown polynomial coefficients to make the eight-node brick el
ement represent exactly every constant stress field. We provide explanation
s for the occurrence of kinematic modes. Based on this understanding, we de
velop a systematic procedure to identify the maximum independent degrees of
freedom which the cubic displacement field will have while satisfying the
Navier equation. Kinematic modes will never occur if the newly identified d
of are used. The newly developed element PN340, based on our present proced
ure, predicts both stresses and displacements accurately at every point in
the element in all the constant stress fields. In tests involving higher or
der stress fields the element is assured to converge in the limit of discre
tisation. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.