The Gulf of St, Lawrence and Scotian Shelf provide a diversity of oceanogra
phic conditions in a continental margin setting. Climate is markedly season
al, and bathymetry and hydrodynamic conditions cover a broad range, signifi
cantly influencing the patterns of organic matter sedimentation and, potent
ially, benthic community dynamics, Samples for analysis of benthic macrofau
na and sediment microorganisms were collected at six stations in the Gulf o
f St. Lawrence (GSL) and the Scotian Shelf during winter and summer cruises
, as part of the Canadian Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. Multivariate analy
ses indicate significant site-related trends in trophic guilds, benthic ass
emblages, and microbial activity, some of which are related to geomorpholog
ical characteristics (bathymetry, topography, and substratum). Macrofaunal
trophic guild data show that the stations with relatively deep settling bas
ins (Cabot Strait and Emerald Basin), dominated by surface deposit feeders,
were distinct from stations with sloping bottoms (Anticosti Gyre and Antic
osti Channel), where subsurface deposit feeders dominated or surface and su
bsurface deposit feeders were equally abundant. Deposit feeders (surface an
d subsurface trophic groups) made up > 60% of the benthic communities, exce
pt at the Scotian slope station where they represented 44% of the total ben
thic abundances. Based on the data collected in both the water column and t
he sediment at three deep stations in the GSL, we hypothesize that the prop
ortion of surface and subsurface deposit feeders, and thus the nature of bi
oturbation activity, is related to the magnitude and pattern of organic mat
ter supply from the euphotic zone. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All right
s reserved.