Two coherent features underpin the pathology of human diabetic neuropathy:
nerve fibers degenerate and blood vessels supplying them are grossly diseas
ed. Unless one naively assumes that the blood vessels play no role in the m
aintenance of normal nerve function, the failure to link microangiopathy wi
th neuropathy may well be perceived as a major failing to adequately addres
s the pathogenesis of human diabetic neuropathy. Yet, until the last 10 yea
rs, the role of vascular factors in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy
was denied or seriously questioned. However, the recent explosion of data
from animal models Supported by in vivo and pathological studies in diabeti
c patients, provides incontrovertible evidence that microangiopathy plays a
crucial role in the pathogenesis of nerve damage. Furthermore, the develop
ment of a significant microangiopathy may form the critical point, which de
termines whether or not nerve fibers repair themselves or proceed to total
degeneration and hence clinically relevant neuropathy. While hyperglycemia
and many of its Secondary transducers, including the polyol pathway, glycat
ion, and oxidative stress, may contribute to peripheral nerve degeneration,
and neurotrophins to regeneration, the keg control mechanism lies in the v
asculature. therapeutic intervention with a range vasoactive drugs improves
nerve function in animal models, Promising results in diabetic patients ha
ve also been achieved using a range of therapies, including large-vessel re
vascularization, ACE inhibitors, gamma-linoleic acid, and alpha-lipoic acid
. We await the results of large clinical trials involving therapies acting,
ia the vascular axis to truly test the clinical relevance of the vascular h
ypothesis thus aid in the development of a meaningful treatment for human d
iabetic neuropathy.