D. Straile et A. Halbich, Life history and multiple antipredator defenses of an invertebrate pelagicpredator, Bythotrephes longimanus, ECOLOGY, 81(1), 2000, pp. 150-163
Multiple antipredator defense strategies and their interactions were examin
ed in a field study of the predatory planktonic waterflea Bythotrephes long
imanus in Lake Constance, at the northern fringe of the European Alps. Beca
use of its large body size and conspicuousness, Bythotrephes is a preferred
prey of freshwater fish. We observed seasonal changes in life history and
morphology and diel vertical migration, all best understood as a response t
o fish predation. Bythotrephes population dynamics were characterized by pr
onounced population growth in late spring, maximum abundances in June, and
a steady decline toward the end of the season. In late spring, high populat
ion growth rates were achieved by means of large clutches, low investment i
n individual offspring, and small size at first reproduction. While the pop
ulation was still increasing, a marked life history shift occurred. The rep
roductive strategy of females switched toward high per-offspring allocation
at the expense of clutch size. This change in reproductive behavior result
ed in an increase in the size of neonates and was accompanied by an increas
e in the size at first reproduction. Such a life history shift is typically
observed in the presence of gape-limited predators, which points to the im
portance of juvenile fish as the principal vertebrate planktivores in Lake
Constance. The length of Bythotrephes defensive spina increased throughout
the season, reflecting increasing predation pressure, probably owing to sea
sonally increasing mouth gape size of juvenile fish. In contrast to the pre
dictions of the predator-avoidance theory, the migration amplitude of large
and conspicuous Bythotrephes was small as compared to other zooplankton sp
ecies. We argue that theory and data can be reconciled ii: the migration be
havior of Bythotrephes is considered as a result of an interaction of preda
tor defenses in the presence of predominantly juvenile, gape-limited fish.
As Bythotrephes achieved protection because of its life history and spina,
the costs of large diel migrations may outweigh the benefits.