F. Martinez-boza et al., Influence of temperature and composition on the linear viscoelastic properties of synthetic binders, ENERG FUEL, 14(1), 2000, pp. 131-137
This paper deals with the influences that mineral oil, resin, and SBS tribl
ock copolymer concentrations exert on the linear viscoelastic properties of
these materials in a wide range of temperatures, with the overall objectiv
e of formulating pigmentable synthetic binders with adequate mechanical pro
perties. The relationship between microstructure and linear viscoelastic pr
operties is also studied. Three different regions, transition to glassy, pl
ateau and beginning of the terminal region may be observed in the dynamic m
echanical spectrum of these systems, depending on SBS concentration and tem
perature. Dynamic mechanical analysis tests confirm that the synthetic bind
ers studied are not thermorheologically simple materials as a consequence o
f the formation of a multiphase system. A polymer-rich phase with high elas
tic properties and a resin-rich phase with predominant viscous characterist
ics were found. At high polymer concentration a continuous polymer-rich pha
se appears, while the continuous resin-rich phase is obtained at low polyme
r concentration or high resin content.