The chain conformation of thin polymer films was investigated via diffuse n
eutron scattering. The samples consist of blend films of protonated and deu
terated polystyrene spin coated onto glass substrates. A Variation of the t
hickness of time blend films in a range of about 41 down to 0.66 times the
radius of gyration R-g Of the chains in the bulk enables the determination
of film thickness and confinement effects. With diffuse neutron scattering
in a reflection geometry the chain conformation in thin polymer films with
film thicknesses less than 20 nanometers could be investigated. With decrea
sing film thickness d below approximately 6 R-g the in-plane dimension of t
he chains starts to increase which is caused by distortion of the chain con
formation along the direction parallel and perpendicular to the surface of
the film. This increase is quite significant below d < R-g and can be compa
red to theoretical predictions and simulations.