In 1984, trees of 'Redhaven' peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] on 9 rootst
ocks were planted at 16 sites in North America according to guidelines esta
blished for cooperative testing by the North Central Regional Cooperative P
roject (NC-140). After 7 years, tree loss was greatest on 'Citation' (52%)
and 'Damas 1869' (32%). Survival was greatest for trees on 'Bailey,' 'Halfo
rd' and own-rooted 'Redhaven.' Tree loss was greatest at the Ohio and Kentu
cky sites, due primarily to winter damage and heavy soil conditions, respec
tively. Trees on 'GF 677' were the most vigorous and those on 'Citation,' '
GF 655-2' and 'Damas 1869' were the least vigorous. Greatest cumulative yie
ld was experienced on 'GF 677: 'Halford,' 'Bailey,' 'Siberian C' and own-ro
oted 'Redhaven.'