The bar gene plays a critical role in signaling apoptosis and expression th
rough gene transfer may be valuable in the treatment of a variety of apopto
sis-related diseases such as cancer. However, constructing an adenoviral ve
ctor expressing a bar gene driven by a constitutive promoter has been diffi
cult, presumably because of the gene's high proapoptotic activity Here we r
eport a system that induces the expression of the bar gene safely by adenov
irus-mediated gene cotransfer. Briefly, the system involves an adenoviral v
ector containing a human bar cDNA driven by a synthetic promoter consisting
of five GAL4-binding sites and a TATA box (GT). This vector expresses a mi
nimal background level of bar protein in cultured mammalian cells thus prev
enting apoptosis of packaging cells, however, expression of the bar gene ca
n be induced substantially in vitro and in vivo by transferring it into tar
get cells along with an adenoviral vector expressing the transactivator, fu
sion protein GAL4/VP16. Extensive apoptosis was observed after induction of
the bar gene both in cultured human lung carcinoma cells and in the livers
of Balb/c mice. Our results suggest that this GAL4 gene regulatory system
provides an alternative approach to constructing viral vectors that express
potentially toxic genes.