Studies of mice and humans have revealed a number of genes that when mutate
d result in severe obesity. We have studied a unique girl with early-onset
obesity and a de novo balanced translocation between chromosomes 1p22.1 and
6q16.2, Her weight gain is most likely due to excessive food intake, since
measured energy expenditure was normal. We cloned and sequenced both trans
location breakpoints. The translocation does not appear to affect any trans
cription unit on 1p, but it disrupts the SIM1 gene on 6q, SIM1 encodes a hu
man homolog of Drosophila Sim (SingIe-minded), a transcription factor invol
ved in midline neurogenesis, and is a prototypical member of the bHLH-PAS (
basic helix-loop-helix + period, aryl hydrocarbon receptor, Singleminded) g
ene family. Our subject's trans- location separates the 5' promoter region
and bHLH domain from the 3' PAS and putative transcriptional regulation dom
ains. The transcriptional targets of SIM1 are not known. Mouse Sim1 is expr
essed in the developing kidney and central nervous system, and is essential
for formation of the supraoptic and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei of the hy
pothalamus, Previous neuroanatomical and pharmacological studies have impli
cated the PVN in the regulation of body weight: PVN neurons express the mel
anocortin 4 receptor and appear to be physiological targets of alpha-melano
cyte-stimulating hormone, which inhibits food intake. We hypothesize that h
aploinsufficiency of SIM1, possibly acting upstream or downstream of the me
lanocortin 4 receptor in the PVN, is responsible for severe obesity in our