J. Bendix, Precipitation dynamics in Ecuador and northern Peru during the 1991/92 El Nino: a remote sensing perspective, INT J REMOT, 21(3), 2000, pp. 533-548
The formation, dynamics and spatial distribution of heavy precipitation dur
ing the 1991/92 El Nino in Ecuador and northern Peru were examined by means
of Meteosat-3 imagery, NOAA-AVHRR-based multichannel sea surface temperatu
res (MCSST) and additional meteorological observations. The Convective and
Stratiform Technique (CST) was used for rain retrieval by means of Meteosat
IR data and a cross-correlation approach was applied to Meteosat image seq
uences to derive cloud motion winds (CMW) which are essential for the analy
sis of circulation patterns leading to severe precipitation. From an analys
is of 45 days with severe precipitation it is proven that three mechanisms
were responsible for the formation of heavy rains. Each mechanism reveals a
specific localised impact. (1) The most frequent mechanism (frequency of s
imilar to 61%) represents an extended land-sea breeze system. During such w
eather conditions, predominantly locally confined precipitation patterns oc
curred. Areas affected by the sea wind front during the day were the coasta
l plains up to the 1000 m contour line on the western Andean slope. Local m
axima in the frequency of cloudiness leading to precipitation could be foun
d at isolated peaks of a lower coastal cordillera. At night the highest fre
quency of precipitation was found over the warm water surface of the Gulf o
f Guayaquil, mainly due to its coastal shape which significantly favours co
nvergence of the nocturnal land breeze. (2) Convection, initiated in the co
astal plain and on the western Andean slopes during the afternoon, was sign
ificantly intensified by an entrainment of remainders of cirrus shields for
m the Amazon basin. These cloud fragments spilled over the Andes with well
developed trades in the mid/upper troposphere which blew in the opposite di
rection to the daily sea/up-slope breeze. The spill over points were charac
terized by areas of deep convection on the western Andean slopes and were f
requently valley axes perpendicular to the mountain chain as well as the An
dean depression in southern Ecuador. (3) During the main El Nino phase (Mar
ch-April), heavy and persistent precipitation was extended over wide areas
of the coastal plain showing neither a distinct diurnal cycle nor preferent
ial areas. deep convection was frequently organized in mesoscale convective
complexes (MCC) and was spatially correlated with MCSST > 27 degrees. The
extensive instability of the troposphere during these weather conditions wa
s marked by convective cloud streets and an intensification of the meridion
al Hadley circulation off the coast of southern Ecuador and Peru.