During the development of an automated cost estimating system, several fact
ors led to the selection of the triangular probability-density function to
model historical construction costs. The triangular-density function is cus
tomarily used when function parameters are directly estimated by experts. A
typical example is for estimating activity durations by identifying a mini
mum value, a most likely value, and a maximum value. These values are then
used to construct triangular-density functions to represent uncertain activ
ity durations. For this work, however, it was necessary to estimate paramet
ers of the triangular-density function using historical cost data. A method
ology was developed to generate test data and compare three methods of para
meter estimation -maximum Likelihood, moment matching, and least-squares cu
rve-fitting techniques. It is concluded that optimized moment matching and
least-squares techniques produce more accurate parameter estimates, while m
aximum likelihood estimation yields less accurate results. It is further co
ncluded that the least-squares minimization method always performed as well
as or better than the optimized moment matching technique and was therefor
e selected as the method of choice for the project.