The transfer of P from agricultural land to water attracts scientists of va
ried expertise. The multidisciplinary nature of factors controlling P trans
fer has lead to confusions in communication because of inappropriate or amb
iguous use of terminology. Therefore, we have attempted to classify termino
logy far P transfer into: (i) processes (or modes) (e.g., erosion, leaching
, incidental) (ii) pathways (e.g., overland flow, subsurface flow, drainage
flow), and (iii) form terms (e.g., those that can be described in soil or
water samples). A method elf classifying pathways by scale, plane, and time
is suggested and a particular caution is noted for leaching, which is a pr
ocess, not a pathway, and runoff (a vaguely defined pathway). Current termi
nology for forms in water is confusing because terms such as soluble, disso
lved,particulate, inorganic, and organic can be technically incorrect if us
ed inappropriately when describing P forms involving membrane filtration an
d Murphy-Riley Mo-blue chemistry. We suggest an improved method for describ
ing the forms of P in waters, which is operationally defined and states the
analytical method and size of filter used.