A field study was performed in which bioaerosols were sampled at a field si
te undergoing land placement of anaerobically digested, de-watered biosolid
material. The data from these field studies were then used to generate mic
robial release rates from the biosolids for use in modeling bioaerosol tran
sport. Continuous-point sources represented by large biosolid piles (tempor
ary storage before placement) in the field, and continuous-area sources rep
resented by Large fields upon which biosolids were placed by spraying, were
modeled using microbial transport models; and downwind microbial concentra
tions were generated. These quantified transport data were then entered int
o microbial dose-response models in an attempt to characterize the risk of
pathogenic bacteria and viruses infecting workers and nearby population cen
ters. The risk of viral and bacterial infection to workers at biosolid land
application sites is 3:100 and 2:100, respectively, under 2-m/s wind rendi
tions and 1 hr of exposure, The route of exposure proposed in this model is
the transport, inhalation, deposition, and swallowing of bacterial or vira
l pathogens. Note that these risk models by nature would tend to overestima
te the actual risk to populations (wastewater workers) consisting primarily
of immunocompetent individuals. Under these low-wind conditions, nearby po
pulation centers where such immunocompetent populations may exist there con
sidered to be 10 000 m from the (and application sites) are predicted to be
at little risk (1.95 x 10(-2):100) of infection from aerosolized bacteria
and at no risk from aerosolized viruses.