The Observations of Electric-field Distributions in the Ionospheric Plasma-
A Unique Strategy C (OEDIPUS-C) rocket payload was launched from Poker Flat
, Alaska, into an evening aurora at 0638 UT, on November 7, 1995. The paylo
ad included a tethered HF transmitter-receiver pair which acted as a topsid
e sounder. The bistatic (two-point) configuration allowed an in situ calibr
ation of the radiated power. The conditions in the magnetosphere and ionosp
here during the experiment were monitored by a groundbased network of instr
uments and by instruments on the GOES 7 satellite in a geosynchronous orbit
. In this paper we present results of the data analysis of topside ionogram
s that were obtained during the down-leg flight of OEDIPUS-C (OC). The rela
tively low altitudes through which OC carried out topside sounding make the
resulting ionograms a novel data set. Ionospheric reflections of the 10-W
transmissions were detected at payload heights between 780 and 160 km on th
e down leg. Near apogee at 824 km, extremely low electron densities (simila
r to 100 cm(-3)) were observed. The monotonic rise in electron density at t
he payload from apogee to reentry clearly showed that there was no ionosphe
ric F layer peak. The topside-sounding echoes came from all heights between
the payload and the E layer peak around 100 km altitude, Strong X-mode ion
ospheric reflections plus strong Q-mode ground reflections were observed. O
C thus has provided a close-hand view of a thick, highly structured, aurora
l E layer sounded at small ranges. The RF signal was efficiently guided alo
ng the magnetic field aligned density depletions that were located at the e
quatorward edges of auroral arcs. Large pulse-to-pulse variations in the am
plitude of the ionospheric reflection are not explained by ducting in the g
eometric-optics sense.