Defects in T cell development have been suggested to be a factor in the dev
elopment of systemic autoimmunity in NZB mice. However, the suggestion of a
primary T cell defect has often been by extrapolation, and few direct obse
rvations of T cell precursors in NZB mice have been performed. Moreover, th
e capacity of NZB bone marrow T cell precursors to colonize the thymus and
the ability of the NZB thymic microenvironment to support T lymphopoiesis h
ave not been analyzed, To address this important issue, we employed the fet
al thymic organ culture system to examine NZB T cell development. Our data
demonstrated that NZB bone marrow cells were less efficient at colonizing f
etal thymic lobes than those of control BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice. In addition
, NZB bone marrow cells did not differentiate into mature T cells as effici
ently as bone marrow cells from BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice. Further analysis re
vealed that this defect resulted from an intrinsic deficiency in the NZB Li
n(-)Sca-1(+)c-kit(+) bone marrow stem cell pool to differentiate into T cel
ls in fetal thymic organ culture. Taken together, the data document heretof
ore unappreciated deficiencies in T cell development that may contribute to
the development of the autoimmune phenotype in NZB mice.