The major agglutinated constituents in test material of marginal marine for
aminifera are identified as alpha-quartz and clay particles using complemen
tary spectroscopic techniques. Electron dispersive scattering analysis, mic
ro-laser Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic techniqu
es revealed detail about elemental and mineral polymorph constituents in te
st walls. Additionally, FTIR identifies the existence of organic cements an
d lining materials in wall structures. Micro-laser Raman specifically chara
cterized the titanium oxide mineral, anatase, as a distinctive fraction of
agglutinate in Ammobaculites balkwilli Haynes. The mineral represents appro
ximate to 10% of the test material, but comprises a minor component of the
sediment and is identified in sediments only after heavy mineral separation
. The enhanced concentration of anatase in the test of A. balkwilli suggest
s that there is a preferential selection for anatase. This provides further
evidence that certain foraminifera can select grains specifically, which i
mplies that there exists a selective mechanism and interaction between the
organic (secreted) phases in the test walls and inorganic (grain surface) m