The aim of the present investigation was to see whether the kinematic syner
gy responsible for equilibrium control during upper trunk movement was pres
erved in absence of gravity constraints. In this context, forward trunk mov
ements were studied during both straight-and-level flights (earth-normal gr
avity condition: normogravity) and periods of weightlessness in parabolic f
lights (microgravity). Five standing adult subjects had their feet attached
to a platform, their eyes were open, and their hands were clasped behind t
heir back. They were instructed to bend the trunk (the head and the trunk t
ogether) forward by similar to 35 degrees with respect to the vertical in t
he sagittal plane as fast as possible in response to a tone, and then to ho
ld the final position for 3 s. The initial and final anteroposterior center
of mass (CM) positions (i.e., 200 ms before the onset of the movement and
400 ms after the offset of the movement, respectively), the lime course of
the anteroposterior CM shift during the movement, and the electromyographic
(EMG) pattern of the main muscles involved in the movement were studied un
der both normo- and microgravity. The kinematic synergy was quantified by p
erforming a principal components analysis on the hip, knee, and ankle angle
changes occurring during the movement. The results indicate that 1) the an
teroposterior position of the CM remains minimized during performance of fo
rward hunk movement in microgravity, in spite of the absence of equilibrium
constraints; 2) the strong joint coupling between hip, knee, and ankle, wh
ich characterizes the kinematic synergy in normogravity and which is respon
sible for the minimization of the CM shift during movement, is preserved in
microgravity. It represents an invariant parameter controlled by the CNS.
3) The EMG pattern underlying the kinematic synergy is deeply reorganized.
This is in contrast with the invariance of the kinematic synergy. It is con
cluded that during short-term microgravity episodes, the kinematic synergy
that minimizes the anteroposterior CM shift is surprisingly preserved due t
o fast adaptation of the muscle forces to the new constraint.