In general, the dynamic design of a rotor system is to optimize the system
in stability at the operating speed, unbalance response in the vicinity of
the rotor critical speeds, and minimize the system weight considering econo
mics. This paper deals with the optimum shape design of the rotor shaft to
change the critical speeds under the constraints of the constant mass. As t
o the design procedures, the genetic algorithm was applied to find the opti
mum diameters of a rotor shaft so that the optimized rotor system can yield
the critical speeds as far from the operating speed as possible. Genetic a
lgorithm is a search algorithm based on the natural world, which states tha
t the individual with the superior character creates the superior descendan
t because of having excellent adaptability, high survivability, and more cr
ossing chance, and the natural genetics that repeatedly perform the process
of reproduction, crossover, and mutation. The results show that the critic
al speeds of the rotor-bearing systems can be significantly improved by sli
ght modification of the shaft diameters, even without increasing the total
mass of a rotor system.