This paper describes an analytical model of restrained shrinkage in re
paired reinforced concrete elements. The results of analysis and test
show that the effect of restrained shrinkage on the serviceability of
the repaired element is quite significant. The computer based analysis
proposed can be applied to predict progressive crack development in a
repair material subjected to restrained shrinkage during construction
. The properties of repair materials, such as ultimate strain in tensi
on, creep coefficient and free shrinkage, are major factors influencin
g the performance of structural repairs. Restrained shrinkage is relat
ed to the stiffness of a repaired section of known structure. The effe
ct of moment redistribution on restrained shrinkage is significant in
elements of indeterminate structure. The stress and strain caused by r
estrained shrinkage in elements of indeterminate structure are higher
than in elements of known structure, and an example given in this pape
r shows an increase in strain of about 30%.