The signal recognition particle database (SRPDB) is maintained at the Unive
rsity of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, and organizes SRP-rel
ated information about SRP RNA, SRP proteins and the SRP receptor, SRPDB is
accessible on the WWW at the URL
tml. A mirror site of the SRPDB is located in Europe at the University of G
oteborg, Sweden (http://www.medkem., This relea
se of SRPDB adds 10 new SRP RNA sequences (a total of 117 SRP RNAs), four p
rotein SRP19 sequences (a total of 15), seven-new SRP54 (ffh) sequences (a
total of 52), and eight sequences of the SRP receptor alpha subunit (FtsY)
(total of 36), Sequences are arranged in alphabetical:and phylogenetic orde
r and alignments are provided which highlight base paired and conserved reg
ions. SPRDB also provides motifs to find new sequences, a brief introductio
n to SRP function in protein secretion, numerous SRP RNA secondary structur
e diagrams, 3-D SRP RNA models, and recently obtained crystal structure PDB
coordinates of the human SRP54m domain.