A method is presented to measure the dependence of the anhysteretic magneti
zation curve (the anhysteretic magnetization as a function of the internal
field after degaussing) on the demagnetization factor N without physically
varying N. The relation between the Preisach distribution and the N depende
nce of the anhysteretic magnetization curve is discussed in a way that is v
ery close to the work of Bertotti. Classes of (moving) Preisach models are
identified for which the anhysteretic magnetization curve is independent of
the demagnetization factor. It is proven that the anhysteretic magnetizati
on increases with N at fixed internal held, if the Preisach distribution de
creases monotonically with increasing H-cent, the internal field value of a
Preisach domain. It is shown that the Moving Preisach model may lead to a
negative anhysteretic permeability. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.