A measurement of the C-12(gamma,pi(+)n)B-11 reaction in quasifree pi-produc
tion kinematic regimes has been performed using tagged photons in conjuncti
on with large solid angle pi and n detectors. The aim of the experiment was
to investigate predicted modifications to the Delta excitation of nucleons
and their subsequent propagation and decay, brought about by the nuclear m
edium. Differential cross sections an presented for photon energies spannin
g the Delta(1232) excitation region. The measurements are consistent with d
istorted wave impulse approximation calculations in which the amplitude for
proton Delta excitation, followed by Delta propagation and decay to pi(+)n, is reduced compared to that for a free p. However, because of uncertaint
ies in the magnitudes of the final state interactions, it is concluded that
improved calculations are required to obtain a quantitative estimate of De
lta-medium effects.