Suspension-cultured, photoheterotrophically grown, green soybean cells (Gly
cine max L,) were used to investigate alterations in the cellular contents
of ascorbate and glutathione, as well as specific activities of antioxidati
ve enzymes, elicited by salicylic acid (SA) and BTH [benzo(1,2,3) thiadiazo
le-7-carbothioic acid S-methylester]. Both antioxidants were positively reg
ulated by 48-h incubations with SA and BTH, respectively; the latter induce
d a stronger increase in antioxidant levels compared to SA. The specific ac
tivities of glutathione reductase, monodehydroascorbate reductase and gluta
thione S-transferase increased strongly in soybean cells as a response to b
oth SA and BTH. The enzyme activations observed were in the range of 2-8-fo
ld, Catalase activity was also increased 2-fold by SA but decreased when ce
lls were incubated with BTH. These results indicate an activation of the ce
llular antioxidative system at both the antioxidant and enzyme level. In ad
dition, the effects of SA and BTH on phytotoxicity exerted by the peroxidiz
ing herbicide oxyfluorfen were investigated. Both compounds protected soybe
an cells from herbicide-induced lipid peroxidation in a time- and concentra
tion-dependent manner and strongly suppressed the herbicide-induced accumul
ation of protoporphyrin IX. SA as well as BTH antagonize the action of pero
xidizing herbicides.