Ischemic bowel disease represents a broad spectrum of diseases with various
clinical and radiologic manifestations, which range from localized transie
nt ischemia to catastrophic necrosis of the gastrointestinal tract. The pri
mary causes of insufficient blood flow to the intestine are diverse and inc
lude thromboembolism, nonocclusive causes, bowel obstruction, neoplasms, va
sculitis, abdominal inflammatory conditions, trauma, chemotherapy, radiatio
n, and corrosive injury. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR
) imaging can demonstrate the ischemic bowel segment and may be helpful in
determining the primary cause. The CT and MR imaging findings include bowel
wall thickening with or without the target sign, intramural pneumatosis, m
esenteric or portal venous gas, and mesenteric arterial or venous thromboem
bolism. Other CT findings include engorgement of mesenteric veins and mesen
teric edema, lack of bowel wall enhancement, increased enhancement of the t
hickened bowel wall, bowel obstruction, and infarction of other abdominal o
rgans. However, regardless of the primary cause, the imaging findings of bo
wel ischemia are similar. Furthermore, the bowel changes simulate inflammat
ory or neoplastic conditions. Understanding the pathogenesis of various con
ditions leading to mesenteric ischemia helps the radiologist recognize isch
emic bowel disease and avoid delayed diagnosis, unnecessary surgery, or les
s than optimal management.