Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography(MEEKC) is a relatively new
capillary electrophoresis technique using a microemulsion as a separa
tion carrier. Two kinds of mixture samples were separated by MEEKC and
compared with Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC). The effe
cts of microemulsion composition on MEEKC separation were studied. The
different core phase showed different migration time, efficiency and
time window. The separation was also affacted by core phase and cosurf
actant concentration. Using microemulsion consisting of 80mmol/L octan
e-120mmol/L sodium dodecyl sulphate-900mmol/L 1-butanol-10mmol/L borat
e, relative standard deviation (RSD) of migration time was less than 0
.8% and RSD of peak area was less than 3% (n = 6). High separation eff
iciency can be obtained if the microemulsion composition is properly c