Investigations of the adaptability of two growth groups of coho salmon fry
(1+ and 0+) while being transferred from freshwater (FW) into seawater (SW)
were performed in the season autumn/winter on four locations (three locati
ons in the Adriatic Sea and one in the FW fish farm, Luknja). Average weigh
t of the 1+ group was 116 g, and average weight of the 0+ group was 86 g. C
hanges in body composition and condition factor were examined immediately p
rior to SW transfer, during the early stages of smoltification and for a pe
riod of 30 days post-SW transfer. Fish samples (n = 10/time point) were tak
en in FW, during the transport, and after the transfer into the sea (22.5,
45 and 90 min; 3, 6 and 12 hours, and also 1, 2, 4, 8 and 30 days following
the transfer). Results from the experiments demonstrate some differences i
n the adaptive fitness between the two age groups examined, with inferior a
daptation being expressed by the 0+ group. Over the period of investigation
s an increase in body moisture and decreases in body lipids and proteins we
re observed, when compared against FW controls regardless of smolt age. Thi
s might be interpreted as indicating malnourishment due to aphagia, since a
ppetite loss has been described in this, and other oncorhynchids during SW