Large woody debris is an integral component of forested, fluvial systems th
roughout the world, yet we know little about hydraulic thresholds for movem
ent and transport of logs, We developed theoretical models of entrainment a
nd performed flume experiments to examine thresholds for wood movement in s
treams. Both the model and the experiments indicate that log entrainment is
primarily a function of the piece angle relative to flow direction, whethe
r or not the log had a rootwad, the density of the log, and the piece diame
ter. Stability increased if the pieces had rootwads or were rotated paralle
l to flow. Although previously reported as the most important factor in pie
ce stability, piece length did not significantly affect the threshold of mo
vement in our experiments or our physically based model, for logs shorter t
han channel width. These physically based models offer a first-order approa
ch to evaluating the stability of either naturally derived woody debris or
material deliberately introduced to streams for various management objectiv