Five infants who developed unilateral hydrocephalus associated with antenat
al or perinatal intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) in the neonatal period o
r later in infancy are reported. Unilateral hydrocephalus occurred followin
g discharge home in four of our five cases, two of whom had been treated du
ring the neonatal period with either serial lumbar punctures or punctures f
rom a Rickham reservoir. An obstruction at the level of the foramen of Monr
o following a large subependymal matrix bleed appeared to be the underlying
aetiology. These data suggest that infants who suffer a predominantly unil
ateral IVH, with or without parenchymal involvement, can subsequently devel
op unilateral hydrocephalus. Cranial ultrasound examinations should be repe
ated at regular intervals during the first year of life, as unilateral hydr
ocephalus can still develop after a period of apparent stabilization.