Nitroxyl (HNO) is the aldehyde dehydrogenase (AIDH) inhibitor produced by c
atalase action on cyanamide. Incubation of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), a rea
gent with a free sulfhydryl group, with Piloty's acid (a nitroxyl generator
) suggested that NAC was acting as a competitive "trap" for nitroxyl. Eluci
dation of the structure of this reaction product should give an insight as
to how nitroxyl interacts with ALDH, a sulfhydryl enzyme. We now present ev
idence that the product formed is N-acetyl-L-cysteinesulfinamide (NACS). We
have synthesized NAGS and showed that this synthetic product was identical
to the product formed in the trapping experiment. Both had identical RT va
lues by reverse phase HPLC and identical RF values by TLC using three diffe
rent solvent systems. The structural identification of this nitroxyl trappe
d product as a sulfinamide now allows the chemical confirmation of the acti
ve-site cysteine residue of AIDH as Cys-302. Published by Elsevier Science