Out of a total of 116 cadaver feet, 29 specimens were selected by means of
palpation of the tuberosity of navicular fur a possible presence of the acc
essory navicular. They were then radiographed and the accessory navicular w
as detected in ten. Also three fresh amputation specimens with an accessory
navicular were added to the study. A total of 13 legs was dissected and in
nine of them, the tibialis posterior tendon inserted directly into the acc
essory navicular without extending to the sole of the foot. In these feet,
the second part of the tibialis posterior tendon originated from the access
ory navicular, extending to the normal insertions. There was no connection
between these two parts and when traction was applied to either one, no mov
ement was observed in the other. Also a fibrocartilaginous mass was detecte
d in four specimens, probably formed to resist the friction between the ten
don and the bone. These results may explain the pronated foot in the presen
ce of the navicular, due to the lass of the function of the tibialis poster
ior tendon.