Saddlepoint methods are used to approximate the joint density of the serial
correlogram up to lag m. Jacobian transformations also lead to approximati
ons for the related-partial correlogram and inverse correlogram. The approx
imations consider non-circularly and circularly defined models in both the
null and the non-null settings, The distribution theory encompasses the sta
ndard non-circularly defined correlogram computed from least-squares residu
als removing arbitrary fixed regressors. Connections of the general theory
to the approximations given by Daniels and by Durbin in the circular settin
g are indicated. The double-saddlepoint density and distribution approximat
ions are given for the conditional distribution of the non-circular lag m s
erial correlation given the previous lags from order 1 to m - 1. This allow
s for the computation of p values in conditional inference when tearing tha
t the model is AR(m - 1) versus AR(m). Numerical comparisons with the tests
of Daniels and of Durbin suggest that their tests based on circularity ass
umptions are inadequate for short non-circular series but are in close agre
ement with the non-circular tests for moderately long series.