We present a new measure for the rotation of Lagrangian trajectories in tur
bulence that simplifies and generalises that suggested by Wilson and Flesch
( Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 84, 411-426). The new measure is the cross prod
uct of the velocity and acceleration and is directly related to the area, r
ather than the angle, swept out by the velocity vector. It makes it possibl
e to derive a simple but exact kinematic expression for the mean rotation <
d s > of the velocity vector and to partition this expression into terms <
dS > that are closed in terms of Eulerian velocity moments up to second or
der and unclosed terms. The unclosed terms < ds'> arise from the interactio
n of the fluctuating part of the velocity and the rate of change of the flu
ctuating velocity.
We examine the mean rotation of a class of Lagrangian stochastic models tha
t are quadratic in velocity for Gaussian inhomogeneous turbulence. For some
of these models, including that of Thomson (J. Fluid Mech. 180, 113-153),
the unclosed part of the mean rotation < ds'> vanishes identically, while f
or other models it is non-zero. Thus the mean rotation criterion clearly se
parates the class of models into two sets, but still does not provide a cri
terion for choosing a single model.
We also show that models for which < ds'> = 0 are independent of whether th
e model is derived on the assumption that total Lagrangian velocity is Mark
ovian or whether the fluctuating part is Markovian.