1 Transepithelial transport of a fluorescent derivative of octreotide (NBD-
octreotide) was studied in freshly isolated, functionally intact renal prox
imal tubules from killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus).
2 Drug accumulation in the tubular lumen was visualized by means of confoca
l microscopy and was measured by image analysis. Secretion of NBD-octreotid
e into the tubular lumen was demonstrated and exhibited the all characteris
tics of specific and energy-dependent transport. Steady slate luminal fluor
escence averaged about five times cellular fluorescence and was reduced to
cellular levels when metabolism was inhibited by NaCN.
3 NBD-octreotide secretion was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manne
r by unlabelled octreotide, verapamil and leukotriene C-4 (LTC4). Conversel
y, unlabelled octreotide reduced in a concentration dependent manner the p-
glycoprotein (Pgp)-mediated secretion of a fluorescent cyclosporin A deriva
tive (NBDL-CS) and the mrp2-mediated secretion of fluorescein methotrexate
4 This inhibition was not due to impaired metabolism or toxicity since octr
eotide had no influence on the active transport of fluorescein (FL), a subs
trate for the classical renal system.
5 The data are consistent with octreotide being transported across the brus
h border membrane of organic anion transport proximal kidney tubules by bot
h Pgp and mrp2.