This article describes the development of an instrument that measures sympt
om experience (symptom occurrence and symptom distress). The Adapted Sympto
m Distress Scale-2 (ASDS-2), adapted from the McCorkle and Young Distress S
cale, is a 31-item, 5-point, self-report paper-and-pencil instrument that m
easures patients' perception of the occurrence and distress of 14 symptoms:
nausea, vomiting, pain, eating, sleep, fatigue, bowel elimination, breathi
ng, coughing, concentration, lacrimation, changes in body temperature, appe
arance, and restlessness. Use of the instrument yields a total score for sy
mptom experience, scores for symptom occurrence, scores for symptom distres
s, and subscale scores for six symptom categories: gastrointestinal, fatigu
e/restlessness, concentration, pain/discomfort, respiratory, and appearance
. Reliability and validity were determined with well adults (n = 97), medic
al-surgical patients (n = 82), and oncology patients (n = 175). Findings re
vealed a Cronbach's alpha of 0.91 for symptom experience, 0.90 for symptom
occurrence, and 0.76 for symptom distress. Cronbach's alpha for the subscal
es ranged from 0.38 for appearance symptoms to 0.83 for gastrointestinal sy
mptoms. inclusion of symptoms reported by patients with cancer strengthened
content validity. A contrasted groups approach was used to demonstrate con
struct validity.