Aqueductal stenosis is a common cause of hydrocephalus during infancy. We r
eport on an infant born with aplasia cutis congenita at the scalp vertex an
d hypoplastic left heart syndrome developing systemic aspergillosis after c
ardiac surgery. The infant died at the age of 76 days despite systemic anti
mycotic therapy with a combination of flucytosine and amphotericin B. Thera
py started at post-operative day 17 and was also applied intrathecally. Pos
t-examination revealed meningitis,multiple brain aspergillomas and microabs
cesses with focal ependymitis, focal bronchopneumonia, and necrotizing ente
rocolitis. One of the brain aspergillomas was located close to the aqueduct
causing an aqueductal stenosis and an obstructive hydrocephalus. Histologi
cally, aspergillus hyphae could only be detected in the aspergilloma of the
aqueduct. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of
an aqueductal stenosis caused by an aspergilloma.