The methylation of 5'CpG 3' dinucleotides within genes creates potential ta
rgets for protein complexes that bind to methylated DMA sequences and to hi
stone deacetylases (MBD-HDAC). This can lead to transcriptional repression
by modification of chromatin. To test the importance of this repression in
vivo and to determine when during development these epigenetic controls are
placed on genes, two novel genes have been engineered by directed mutagene
sis of the CpG-rich LacZ gene that are depleted of (LagZ) or completely lac
king (LagoZ) CpG sequences. We report that the expression (transcriptional
and translational) of the three genes is indistinguishable in transient ass
ays in cleaving mouse embryos. Therefore, the complete absence of CpG seque
nces within three kilobases of coding sequence is compatible with its maint
enance in the nucleus and with its expression. These molecules can now be u
sed to study the ontogenesis of the CpG-dependent repressive system in inta
ct organisms. (C) 1999 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medi
cales Elsevier SAS.