Objective: To assess the prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptoms and co
ping patterns in severely injured accident victims; to study correlations b
etween injury severity and psychosocial variables and the presence of postt
raumatic stress symptoms; and to analyze intensive care unit (ICU) personne
l's global clinical appraisals in relation to patient characteristics.
Design: A study of critically ill accident victims assessed within one mont
h of the trauma.
Setting: ICU of the traumatology department at the University Hospital, Zur
Patients: 121 consecutive patients with accidental injuries (mean Injury Se
verity Score, 21.8; mean Glasgow Coma Scale score, 14.4) admitted to the IC
U between January 1996 and June 1997, aged 18-68 yrs. Patients with severe
head injuries, attempted suicides, and victims of physical assault were exc
Measurements: Extensive clinical interview, Impact of Event Scale, Clinicia
n-Administered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale, social support, life ev
ents, biographical protective and risk factors, Sense of Coherence question
naire, Freiburg Questionnaire of Coping with Illness.
Results:13,7 (SD, 6.8) days after the accident, 5 patients (4.1%) met all c
riteria for posttraumatic stress disorder with the exception of the time cr
iterion. A further 24 patients (19.9%) had subsyndromal posttraumatic stres
s disorder. Posttraumatic psychiatric symptomatology did not correlate with
objective injury criteria, but rather with pretrauma variables (female gen
der, biographical risk and protective factors, life events), the patients'
subjective appraisal of the severity and threat of the accident, their gene
ral attitude toward life ("sense of coherence"), and their current coping s
trategies. Surgeons' and nurses' global clinical appraisals did not correla
te with injury severity or with the patients' coping strategies.
Conclusions: Trauma surgeons and ICU personnel should pay special attention
to the strains and stressors their patients have been exposed to when reco
rding case histories and to the level of their patients' psychosocial adapt
ation before the trauma.