Sustainable forest management has replaced sustained yield as the new manag
ement strategy for most countries and forest companies. This concept has ge
nerated a lot of interest and discussion, and a great deal of effort is bei
ng made to modify current forestry practices to be sustainable. In this pap
er, we argue that the still somewhat vague concept of sustainable forest ma
nagement calls for a substantial modification in our way of thinking about
and practising forestry. To move toward that goal, we recognize important s
ocial and economic challenges to sustainable management and suggest nine es
sential notions: 1) manage the forest ecosystem as a whole and not in parts
nor only for the crop species; 2) conserve a significant proportion of the
boreal forest (i.e,, at least 12%); 3) practice intensive forestry on a sm
all portion of the land to recover the fibre lost from notions 1 and 2; 4)
strive for innovation in thinking and acting; 5) foster research and develo
pment to support notion 4; 6) balance regional needs with that of the globa
l community; 7) encourage public participation; 8) consider the impact of s
ubstantial change in climate over the next 100 years (or next rotation); an
d 9) substitute regulations that are adaptive for those that are restrictiv
e, An example of the kind of silviculture that could be used in ecosystem m
anagement for the black spruce forest is also discussed.