Using repeats found in sequences from Dianthus species present in the EMBL
database, primers for STMS (sequence-tagged microsatellite site) analysis w
ere developed and tested. Five loci were polymorphic and amplified products
of sufficient quality in nearly all of the 26 Dianthus species tested, exc
ept MS-DINGSTA, which amplified in only one-third of the species. Loci MS-D
INMADSBOX andMS-DCDIA30 produced allele series that were mostly two nucleot
ides (the repeat unit) apart.MS-DCAMCRBSY and MS-DINCARACC also amplified r
egular series of alleles, but more than two fragments per individual were d
etected in a number of species. Both loci code for a member of the ACC synt
hase gene family. The observation that the loci amplified across a wide ran
ge of Dianthus species may imply that the different species within the genu
s are relatively closely related. Alternatively, it may indicate that the r
egions selected for primer design (some of which are in coding regions) are
well conserved. These microsatellites will be useful for the measurement o
f genetic diversity in natural populations of Dianthus species and the iden
tification of carnation varieties.