In the presented paper we try to describe the inpatient treatment setting t
hat we developed working together in the Department of Rehabilitative Psych
iatry and Psychotherapy of the Rothaarklinik (Bad Berleburg). Crucial is a
psychoanalytic understanding of psychotic disorders, an understanding of ps
ychotic symptoms as a result of psychotic defense mechanisms. We understand
the whole of the members of the station as a therapeutic community establi
shing the transitional space due to Winnicott. A priority of the paper is g
iven to special aspects of the therapeutic altitude in the psychoanalytic g
roup therapy with heterogeneous groups, i.e. groups in which neurotic and p
sychotic patients are treated together. We illustrate the conflicts with th
e frame of the treatment resulting from the psychotic defense mechanisms on
clinical cases and demonstrate posibilities of managing these conflicts. F
inally we describe patterns of transference and countertransference typical
for the treatment of psychotic patients.