A metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) has been used
as a radiation monitor to map the profile of a variety of X-ray radiation m
icrobeams. The present work studies the role of the topology of the MOSFET
gate oxide when mapping radiation microbeams. The "edge-on" MOSFET has been
introduced for microbeam mapping and the spatial resolution of the "edge-o
n" MOSFET is investigated. Comparison is made with other mapping techniques
including, Gafchromic(TM) film, radiographic film, ionization chamber. The
results clearly demonstrate the superiority of the "edge-on" MOSFET when a
pplied to mapping of narrow radiation beams. The spatial resolution of the
"edge-on" MOSFET is estimated to be 1 mu m and appears to be limited by the
width of the gate oxide thickness.