The western population of European mink Mustela lutreola has recently suffe
red a severe decline in over more than 50% of its range, probably disappear
ing from Brittany in 1992 and from Pays de Loire in 1997. Allozyme electrop
horesis on 38 presumptive loci showed that the proportion of polymorphic lo
ci reached only 10.5% at P < 0.01 level in the European mink. Observed hete
rozygosity averaged H-O = 0.02 and expected hererozygosity H-E = 0.038 but
the F-IS index reached 0.48, revealing a considerable deficit. The low gene
tic variability might be due to previous bottlenecks. Demographic depletion
in Mustela lutreola resulted in a loss of genetic diversity emphasising th
at reproductive exchanges were altered and worsening the risk of extinction
of this vulnerable population.