Large infarcts develop in pinealectomized rats subjected to middle cerebral
artery occlusion, which was attributed to loss of antioxidant action of me
latonin. However, melatonin also has vascular actions, and pinealectomy may
induce hypertension. The authors investigated (1) whether hemodynamic fact
ors contribute to infarct development in pinealectomized rats, (2) whether
melatonin administration can reverse the unfavorable effect of pinealectomy
on infarct formation, and (3) whether melatonin can reduce the infarct vol
ume in nonpinealectomized rats subjected to focal transient ischemia (2 hou
rs middle cerebral artery occlusion, 22 hours reperfusion). Rats were pinea
lectomized 3 months before ischemia to eliminate any possible action of pin
ealectomy-induced hypertension on stroke. Blood pressure and regional CBF v
alues during ischemia and reperfusion were not significantly different betw
een pinealectomized and sham-operated rats, suggesting that pinealectomy-in
duced increase in infarct was not related to hemodynamic factors. The infar
ct volume resumed to the level of sham-operated rats on melatonin administr
ation. Injection of melatonin (4 mg/kg) before both ischemia and reperfusio
n reduced infarct volume by 40% and significantly improved neurologic defic
it scores in pinealectomized as well as sham-operated rats subjected to mid
dle cerebral artery occlusion. These data suggest that physiologic melatoni
n release as well as exogenously given melatonin has a neuroprotective acti
on in focal cerebral ischemia.