Previous research examining stereotype dilution had illustrated the importa
nce of task instructions (Neuberg & Fiske, 1987), outcome dependence (Erber
& Fiske, 1984; Neuberg & Fiske, 1987), and information about the target in
dividual (Krueger & Rothbart, 1988; Macrae et at., 1992). This :paper prese
nts two studies investigating the stability of an occupational stereotype u
nder different environmental conditions. Specifically it examines the maint
enance and dilution of stereotypical judgements about licensees (pub manage
rs) amongst undergraduate students. The results of the first study provide
evidence for a context-free stereotype about public house licenses. However
, results from the second study suggest that thin stereotype is influenced
by environmental conditions. That is, subjects do not simply continue to st
ereotype regardless of context, rather, under certain environmental conditi
ons they individuate and reduce the impact of their stereotypical judgement
s. Implications for stereotype research and the role of environmental varia
bles are made. (C) 1999 Academic Press.